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Dear 12-year old me | An LGBTQ&A

May 24, 2017

Dear 12 year old me,
First off, lose the fringe. It's not doing anything for that mature look you're going for. Secondly, welcome to this new and exciting (debatable) chapter of your life! In this part of our lifelong novel, we battle depression and suicidal thoughts, crippling anxiety and a weird emo phase where we wear nothing but black for three months. This is also the beautiful part of your life where you start exploring sexuality and more importantly, find out that girls look quite nice. In fact... Everyone does! You're pansexual, surprise! It seems daunting and honestly it's not the prettiest thing to go through. But you come out of it a strong, independent woman who don't need no-... Well actually that's a lie, you're needy af.

Here are some questions you likely have for your eighteen-year old counterpart -

What's sex and why should I care?
Ah yes, year 8 sex ed lessons aren't really that great, are they? Fond memories of asking the biology teacher the difference between an organism and an orgasm spring to mind. Well, at the moment, it won't matter much to you. Explore your own body first. Don't worry, you start your adult life a virgin too and we've still not seen a condom in the flesh.

Will the feeling of guilt ever go away?
At 12, with a sheltered, Christian upbringing, thinking about kissing a girl is essentially porn to you. You are disgusted and disappointed with yourself, but don't panic! You'll discover a cute little LGBTQ community online who'll explain lots of stuff to you. Lots of stuff. Possibly too much. Shut your ears innocent me!

And why don't I have boobs?!
Ahahahaha... I gotta laugh. Here's a fact for you, you go from a C to an F in six weeks before year 10. Look forward to back pains and sore breasts for a few months. You still have stretch marks, don't wish it on too soon.

Speaking of that, erm...Periods?
August 8th 2013. Oh yeah you were well excited getting your period at last aged 14. Now, after countless blood tests and ruined bedsheets, the doctors still have no idea why you bleed for two weeks a month instead of one. But hey! We finally got over our fear of needles at last... We kind of had to!

So, sexuality. Explain.
Basically, you find a label you identify with called pansexuality. 'Pan' means 'all/any' and to you this means what they have in their pants isn't a factor on the datable scale. You love who you love and that's fine.

When will I have a relationship?
If I'm right in thinking it's either 2011 or 2012 right now, which means right about now. But be careful, it's not ever really official and the end is frightening and abusive. Hold your nerve and don't let him make you do anything you don't want to. You're not ready and you won't be for a while.

Yes we get a girlfriend. The relationship is beautiful, fiery and romantic and then it spirals down into a burning car crash. It's okay though. Through it, you find who your real friends are, make some new ones and strengthen bonds with close mates.

That's all I've got for you, 12-year old me. Sit tight, hold on. 
The next few years are bumpy but remember, everyone's youths are messy. Try to have a bit of fun?

Hannah Ost

Hannah is a writer, performer and musical director from Kent. She has a love for quirky DIYs and can't resist a good book to sink her teeth into. You'll likely find her dancing in her bedroom or tackling taboo subjects in her writing.

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