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Low-Maintenance Lifestyle | 5 Recipes for the Clueless

May 31, 2017

We've all been there. You feel a bit peckish so you go to the fridge to look for last-night's leftovers and BAM... an empty fridge enters your vision like a huge pin to burst your cold-pizza bubble. Who... Ate... THE PIZZA? Oh wait. It was you, for breakfast.

Don't panic. We're going to have to do something called *gulp* cooking. Never fear clueless low-maintenance, living-off-the-leftovers chic, I've got you covered with 5 recipes you won't need to lift a saucepan to.

1. French Toast
I never cease to be eating this. It's so simple to make and it ain't half bad for you either!

  1. Put bread in toaster. Don't toast it all the way, just so it's a little less flimsy.
  2. While bread toasts, beat an egg. (Optional: add cinnamon and  nutmeg for flavour)
  3. Dunk partially toasted bread in egg. Soak on both sides.
  4. Fry on both sides. Cover in chocolate sauce and fruit.

2. Potato Skins
Warning: Requires use of an oven. Do not attempt if you are under 12 or an imbecile with hot things.

  1. Grab some jacket spuds. Prick them and microwave them for 5 minutes on each side. (Or use leftover spuds.)
  2. Cut jackets in half and scoop out the innards.
  3. Mash the innards and add whatever you like. I add grated cheese, mustard and cream cheese. Sour cream is also a tasty addition but I was all out!
  4. Put the mash back in the skins and bake at 180° for about 20 mins, depending on how crispy you want them.
Usually, I'd serve with a dollop of sour cream and coleslaw but today I mixed it up a little with some ham and pineapple. And speaking of pizza toppings...

3. Pizza Toast
I am actually so proud of myself for coming up with this one. I discovered it on study leave for my GCSEs. And yes, it's as great as it sounds.

  1. Lightly toast some bread.
  2. Cover bread with tomato puree
  3. Add grated cheese and toppings. I chose ham and pineapple chunks (don't hate me it's nice.)
  4. Grill. Serve. Eat.

4. The Best Soup Ever
Throw everything in a pot. Done.

  1. Grab your favourite veggies and cut them up into small, equal sized cubes.
  2. Grab leftover meats like chicken, beef or ham. Cut these up real good. I like to get mine to an almost shredded consistency.
  3. Throw everything in a big pot, cover with veg stock (or whatever meat stock you're using).
  4. Boil on medium heat and leave it alone for an hour while you go watch Netflix. Voila.
There's no picture because it's too hot, hot damn. Call the police and the fireman.

5. The Internet
If all else fails and your house burns down, log on to your favourite fast food website (not sponsored by Dominos but please sponsor us) and get food made for you, delivered to the pile of rubble at the end of Low-Maintenance Lane.

I hope you enjoyed this little read. I'm off to make myself a roast dinner... Not. I can't cook - Dominos time!

Hannah Ost

Hannah is a writer, performer and musical director from Kent. She has a love for quirky DIYs and can't resist a good book to sink her teeth into. You'll likely find her dancing in her bedroom or tackling taboo subjects in her writing.

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